From One to the Next

Eukaryotes proceed through a complex series of closely regulated events in order to create not only more cells but also offspring. The processes of mitosis and meiosis have long been studied in order to better understand not only what is supposed to occur, but what is the source of error when something goes wrong. Both mitosis and meiosis are controlled by internal cues, hormones, and interactions with the environment. Use the detailed diagram of the cell cycle below to answer the following questions.
0332 Cell Cycle With Cyclins and Checkpoints.jpg by OpenStax (CC BY 4.0)

Question 1

Short answer
Describe how MPF (mitosis-promoting factor) and PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) control mitosis.

Question 2

Short answer
Explain how cancer is a multifaceted issue that disrupts this tightly regulated process. Provide TWO examples.

Question 3

Short answer
Predict how an increase in the internal temperature of a human may affect the cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase reactions that help control the cell cycle.

Question 4

Short answer
Describe TWO examples of how an environmental factor can disrupt the cell cycle.

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