Scientific Revolution DBQ AMSCO Text Pages 270-273

Question 1

Analyze the Causes and Effects of humans’ views of themselves and the world around them during the Scientific Revolution (1550s-1700s).
Source: Claudius Ptolemy (100 CE-160 CE), astronomer in Alexandria, Egypt. This diagram shows Ptolemy's view of the universe, with the sun and planets orbiting earth,
Source: Nicolaus Copernicus, Dedication of On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to Pope Paul (1543). Explains Copernicus's awareness of how his study of planetary revolution contradicted accepted beliefs. Yet even though he feared others' contempt, he persisted in its publication. 
Source: Tycho Brahe, a model of the universe, 1596. The earth is at the center. The sun and moon revolve around it, and the planets revolve around the sun. 
Source: Johannes Kepler, A New Astronomy, 1609. Kepler was building on Copernicus' work as he described the powerful effects of both the earth's gravitational pull on objects and the moon's pull on the earth's oceans. This view moved away from traditional geocentric beliefs of the past. 
Source: Galileo Galilei, The Starry Messenger, 1610, Venice. Galileo changed traditional views wiht the empirical evidence that technology afforded astronomers. He used the recent Dutch invention of the telescope for astronomical observations and noted that previous impressions of heavenly bodies were both contradicted and expanded upon by the use of this new technology.
Source: Francis Bacon, Dedication to King James I, The Great Instauration, 1620. In order to get support of King James I for the compilation of a Natural and Experimental History that would provide a solid basis for scientific study, Francis Bacon compared James with King Solomon. Bacon emphasized that science should be based on experience rather than on speculation amidst real tensions and fears that surrounded the shift in scientific knowledge. 
Source: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 1689. To support the shift in how knowledge is acquired, Locke presents the view that the mind is like a blank slate that is filled in by experience. He considered reason to be the faculty which considers certainty and probability, and experience is the source of all knowledge. 

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