Emmeline Pankhurst
Read the following excerpt from Emmeline Pankhurst's autobiography, My Own Story, published in 1914 and answer the following question. "I had called upon women to join me in striking at the Government through the only thing that governments are really very much concerned about - property - and the response was immediate. Within a few days the newspapers rang with the story of the attack made on letter boxes in London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, and half a dozen other cities. In some cases the boxes, when opened by postmen, mysteriously burst into flame; in others the addresses were rendered illegible by black fluids. Altogether it was estimated that over 5,000 letters were completely destroyed and many thousands more were delayed in transit. "
Question 1
Short answer
Describe ONE aspect of European society in the 19th century or 20th century that caused Pankhurst to write this in her autobiography.
Question 2
Short answer
Analyze how ONE 19th century writer or 20th century writer who supported Pankhurst’s point of view.
Question 3
Short answer
Describe one consequence of Pankhurst’s efforts on European society in the 20th century.
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