Henry VIII as a New Monarch
The main Key Concept for the New Monarchs states "New Monrchies laid the foundations for the centralized modern state by establishing monopolies on tax collection, employing the military force, dispensing justice, and gaining the right to determine the religion of their subjects." In this SAQ you will be using the information from your readings in AMSCO, my lecture information, and the information in the video we watched to answer the questions. The AI will give you the point or not give you the point, as if you are taking the actual AP exam. I will look at where you do not get the point and determine if I should give you partial credit. Each response is worth 5 points for a total of 15 points. You have two chances, so if your question isn't exactly right, feel free to revise before moving on! Remember to be SPECIFIC in your examples and EXPLAIN (T E A )
Question 1
Short answer
Using the definition in the Key Concept mentioned in the instructions, explain one action of Henry VIII that supports the claim that he was, indeed, a "New Monarch."
Question 2
Short answer
Using the definition in the Key Concept mentioned in the instructions, explain a second, different action of Henry VIII that supports the claim that he was, indeed, a "New Monarch."
Question 3
Short answer
In her work on Henry VIII, Allison Weir wrote "Sovereigns in the 16th century were perceived as semi-divine beings; a king was not just a normal man, but also the Lord’s Anointed, His deputy on earth, called by “divine right” to hold dominion over his subjects...A king was entitled to expect the same devotion and obedience from his people as he himself gave to God, for there was a presumption that the King’s law was God’s law. " Explain one example from the readings we did on Henry VIII that would support the idea that Henry VIII is an excellent example of this type of sovereign.
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