Renaissance Short Answer Practice

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions below.
“Those who are the closest to these [the theologians] in happiness are generally called "the religious" or "monks," both of which are deceiving names since for the most part they stay as far away from religion as possible and frequent every sort of place. I cannot, however, see how all life could be more gloomy than the life of these monks if I [Folly] did not assist them in many ways. Though most people detest these men so much that accidentally meeting one is considered to be bad luck, the monks themselves believe that they are magnificent creatures. One of their chief beliefs is that to be illiterate is to be of a high state of sanctity, and so they make sure that they are not able to read. Another is that when braying out their gospels in church they are making themselves very pleasing and satisfying to God, when in fact they are uttering these psalms as a matter of repetition rather than from their hearts....”
In Praise of Folly by Erasmus

Question 1

Short answer
Describe TWO Renaissance themes that motivated Erasmus to analyze the behavior of monks.

Question 2

Short answer
Identify and briefly describe ONE additional 16th-century artist, writer, or leader that agreed with Erasmus’ analysis.

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